Monday, May 14

A National ID System? Seriously?

There's an act, the Real ID act, on Congress's floor that could change how the government issues driver's licenses. If this act is passed, driver's licenses will be "tamper-proof," which really means everyone will have an ID number on their driver's license that could be used to collect information on you in a national database. James Carafano, senior research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, defended the program, saying it does not establish a national identity card system or a new, national database, but rather would be a system of integrated databases that would help deter terrorism.

I say, whatever. If passed, the act could be the start of the end...if you know what I mean.

Rev. 16-17: "
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

That's all I'm saying on that.
On a happier note, red fire ants are easier to kill off now. :)

Apparently there's some virus that kills them naturally, but it needs a stressor before becoming deadly. Those smart people, also known as scientists, have figured out a way to "stress" the virus. It's pretty awesome. And it makes me happy.
Something else that makes me happy. I'm done with the Spring semester. Four more classes and I'm gone. I'm very happy. I'm clapping and jumping for joy right now.

I'm also out in Meridian, and have been these past couple of days. It's been fun. I'm working on finishing up a Board of Director's report for G3S2. They're having a BOD meeting on Wednesday, which is the day after I'm leaving. But I'm glad I get to be a little helpful around here.

There are a couple people coming in today. Some important people from HISG, two of which I've met before I think, and some other guy that worked here last summer. He just graduated from Hardin-Simmins, I believe.

Besides that, I've got nothing going on. I saw Spider-Man 3 yesterday with my family. It wasn't that good. I was expecting better. The fight scenes were hard to follow sometimes. And Peter Parker's 'bad side' came off emo and corny. Made me start going for the bad guys. Although, Topher Grace has a bad guy...not very believable. He can't pull it off, so he needs to stop trying.

I do want to see "28 Weeks Later," after I re-see "28 Days Later." I also want to see "The Ex" because I love Zach Braff and Jason Bateman, and "Shrek 3." So, if anyone wants to go see these with me, let me know.


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