Friday, May 4

Will Someone Buy Me This Car?


It's flippin' awesome. And I do need a new car...

It's a Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, only $450,000. That's nothing.

If you don't want to get me the car, at least think about getting me the most awesome clock ever. Someone, who will remain nameless, didn't think winning my made-up game was enough reason for him to purchase this for me, even though he agreed that it was pretty awesome.
- is the last full day that Brandi and Brandon are here. Brandon comes back after this summer, but by then I might already be gone. And Brandi doesn't come back for...a while. I know she'll come back to visit, hopefully, but she's not finished at Redcloud for two years. That's a long time.

I'm going to this dinner tonight with her and her family, kind of a going-away thing. It shouldn't be weird at hanging out with someone else's family isn't always weird.
So, I have to talk about Grey's Anatomy last night.

I like the idea of Addison having her own show. She's become overshadowed on Grey's since there are so many other storylines happening. I liked the premise and the other actors they cast for it, especially Chris Lowell, but more on him later. First, let's discuss the other characters.

Kate Walsh, who plays Addison Montgomery, is a great leading woman. She's pretty, without seeming artificial, and competent enough to realize when she's made a mistake.

Tim Daly, who plays Pete, the love interest, is still hot even though he's a year older than my dad. I'm not saying he's Christian Bale hot, but he's got the older man hot thing going on. Plus, he's good at that banter needed to sustain viewer interest in him and Addison working out.

Taye Diggs, who plays Sam, a friend of Addison's from med school and the ex-husband of Naomi, is hot too. I loved him in How Stella Got Her Groove Back and Equilibrium, as I'm sure I'll love him in this show.

Merrin Dungey, who plays Naomi, Addison's best friend from med school, is amazing. I loved her in Summerland and I loved her in Alias, plus she played a kickass bad guy in Alias. I know she'll be amazing as usual in this show.

There are two other doctors that are featured on the show, but I don't really have an opinion about them because I haven't seen them in anything else, but they did a good job last night.

Now, on to Chris Lowell.

Where did this guy come from? Apparently he was 'discovered' playing sand volleyball. He currently plays a reoccuring part on Veronica Mars, which is a great show btw. But last night, I really saw just how cute he is. Dang. And he's got a great smile.

That's a great smile...and he's only a couple months older than me. :)

I always like it when an actor I'm crushing on is older than me, but not so much older it's creepy.

He alone might be worth watching the show, if it's picked up for next season. It's not like I haven't watched a show before just to see a particular actor *cough, Drive, cough*.
In other news, Spider-Man 3 opened today. Christopher and Brandon saw it last night, but I haven't heard if it's worth it or not. Actually, it doesn't matter if it's worth it or not because I'm going to see it regardless. I'm just not going to see it this weekend because I never see a movie on its opening weekend, unless it makes my list of exceptions. There are very few exceptions, but one of them will be coming out this summer, the new Harry Potter movie.

If you've seen it, let me know what you thought and why. Later.

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