Saturday, August 25

Why Does Japan Get All The Good Stuff?

Stupid Japanese and their cool toys...


Anyway, has anyone heard about this 19-year-old girl from Virginia that was arrested for recording 20 seconds of "Transformers" on her phone?

I personally think this is crazy, but I know other people would have a different view. She could go to jail for up to one year and have to pay a pretty big fine for wanting to show her little brother a clip from the movie. I know this 'crackdown' on piracy is a huge thing for studios and theaters, but come on. There's a line when it comes to someone who is actually recording a movie for internet distribution and someone who, for one second, made a small mistake.

She says she forgot it was wrong. And I believe her, because I've had that moment before. There was this time in high school when I totally forgot I was taking a test once and asked the person next to me for help on a question. Of course the teacher reamed me for it, but later that person I asked for help told me she was about to help me out because she'd forgotten as well. It happens. That's all I'm saying. And movie studios and movie theaters are insane. (But we all knew that already, didn't we?)


In other news, Baylor started back this week. I believe we're the only university in the entire United States to start back this week. Or, at least that's what it feels like, because everyone I know that goes to another school (including elementary thru high school) starts this upcoming week. Stupid Baylor.

And it's not like we get out any earlier. But they're a private school, which translates into "they can do whatever they want." *glares*


I wish I had a funny cartoon or something to share with you...but I don't. So you have to deal with that. ...And I have


Wednesday, August 15

Those Dang Hand Dryers

Monday, August 13

*Sigh* Nathan Fillion *Sigh*

Cinematical's Scott Weinberg recently posted a story that is close to my heart. It concerns Nathan Fillion and how the guy just can't catch a break, which is what the post is titled.

I LOVE Nathan Fillion. I even watched White Noise 2 for him, though I hate "horror" movies. But his "big breaks" never pan out the way they should. Firefly alone should have done something for him, especially after the movie Serenity...but nothing besides a couple indie movies like Waitress, which I really want to see, and Slither, which was really funny despite it being classified in the "horror" genre.

Nathan could be the next great action hero. He has great comedic timing and looks great shooting at things. Plus that smile...*sigh* oh, the smile. (Sorry, I had to take a second to collect myself.)

What it all comes down to is this: Nathan needs a great role that will make him that next great action hero. What I don't understand is someone like Chris Tucker making "blockbuster" movies when he stopped being funny 5 years ago and studios making more sequels to Indiana Jones, Rocky, and Die Hard when the lead actors are well past their prime (we're talking 10+ years here). Studio executives need to wise up and figure out they need some new blood. Enter Nathan with his delightful charm and witty banter down pat. He's got the goods. Now he just needs the "role of a lifetime," which I hope comes soon because I want everyone to fall in love with him just like I did. Yes, he's that good. And if you don't believe me just watch him in Firefly. I'll let you borrow the series. You owe yourself to watch this series.

Oh, and some interesting news I just learned on the "Nathan making it big" front: He's 'in talks' to join Desperate Housewives this upcoming new season. I might actually start watching the show again just to see him on screen. *I do love him, so can you blame me?*

Anyway, that's enough information for one day. Just keep a lookout for this guy. He's going to be big, or I swear I will swear off movies altogether. That's a huge swear off for me, which you would know if you've been around me for more than a second or seen my movie collection.

More coming later.