Monday, April 7


I realize it's been forever and a day since I've last posted. I'm sorry about that, but when your life holds nothing new or exiciting, it's hard to find the energy to make stuff up.

It's closing in on graduation day and everyday I swear at least one person asks me if I've secured a job yet. (My answer is still no, btw.) Apparently I'm unlikable to employers. This happens to me everytime I start applying to jobs - I go through a lot of postings and applications and then finally find a great job just when I'm about to start going crazy with worry. I haven't reached the crazy-with-worry stage yet, so have some patience people. I'll let you know when I get that job, okay?

In other news, I went to the Cameron Park Zoo yesterday with John (the boyfriend). I also happened to be the presence of mind to bring my camera, so I have some updated shots of me and John...and the animals at the zoo. If you're my friend on Facebook you'll be able to view them, and you may notice my hair has gotten outrageously long. I think this is the longest it's been, in my entire lifetime. If anyone has trouble thinking of a good gift/present for me, $ for a haircut would be greatly appreciated. I don't have $60 just laying around, so putting up with the hair length is my only option right now. I also want to add some red highlights, since my blonde ones are growing out, which is another $40. (hint, hint)

Oh! The best thing about this past weekend was definitely the fact that the 4th Season of Doctor Who started! Now some may say the best thing was really the 4th Season of Battlestar Galactica starting, and in case that happens you should just slap them and walk away because they are wrong. It was Doctor Who, not BSG. And I don't know much about Catherine Tate, but apparently she had a sketch comedy show on the BBC for a while. I just hope her and the doctor don't hook up...

I guess that's good enough for now. I'm going to have to go to lunch pretty soon anyway.

Until later.

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