Wednesday, May 2

My New Shoes...and other stuff

First of all...
I LOVE my new shoes!!
Love, love, love, love, love!
Aren't they the cutest shoes you've ever seen?!?


There's a rumor going around the entertainment/television industry that Scrubs might not be picked up for next season. This saddens me because I love Scrubs, but more importantly, I love Zach Braff. NBC has until May 15th to renew the show, but I have a feeling they're not going to do it simply because I've recently come to the conclusion all television executives are morons. Not picking up Scrubs again, a show that has had constantly high ratings and a huge fanbase even though it's been moved to every night and time slot known to prime time, would be moronic and would prove my conclusion right. I'll let you know how things progress.


Seeing as how I'm going into the marketing world at some point in my life (hopefully), I like reading stories that involve people's opinions on ads, agencies, or the marketing industry as a whole.

So, I'm proud to introduce the 'This Week's Advertising/Marketing Segment', or TWAMS, because everything's cooler when you abbreviate it.

I have to give credit to for leading me to this gem of a webpage -- The Ten Worst Movie Posters of All Times. First, is it correct to use 'times' or 'time'? I never remember the rule for that. Second, I have to agree with most of what was said. Those are some bad movie posters. I hope I can do better if I ever work for an advertising agency, although I doubt I'll ever work for an agency that creates movie posters, mainly because those agencies are centered in California and I don't see myself working in California...ever.


I know some of you listen to internet radio, like I do, so I ask you to please support the "Internet Radio Equity Act" by going to and calling your state representative to co-sponsor this act and save internet radio websites, such as Pandora and And in case you want more information, you can check out this article detailing what's been going on.


Well, it seems it's 5:00pm, which means I'm done with work...and with this post. Later.

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