Wednesday, May 2

It's Been A While...

So, what's been happening? Just wanted to catch up...

I've been finishing up school for this semester. I have three finals next week and then I'm done!...for two weeks...and back to school, or rather summer school. And then I graduate! It's exciting. I'm excited. Can you tell I'm excited?!?

Anyway, moving on... I've been busy entertaining myself with new shows and movies these past couple of weeks. A lot of hours logged in at my computer, staring at the screen...maybe that's why my head and eyes have been killing me...hmm. I'll look into that...later.

My real reason for writing this nonsense was this. The end of a semester and a school year is always sad, but this year is sadder than it has ever been. My friends are graduating and people are leaving and I have this feeling I'm not going to see some of them ever again. It's very sad and I know I'm going to have a hard time dealing with leaving the Waco area when I graduate in August.

'College life' is ending and soon my 'real life' will begin.

This sucks.

*Update: I did not mean I think I would never see Brandi again. I know I'll see you again, Brandi. I meant the people who are currently my friends, but for some reason or another will be those friends that gradually drift away over the next year or so.*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WEll you better dang skippy get one thing straight my dear.....I am not one of your friends that you will never see just deal with it!