Sunday, July 22

It Is Finished.

Like everyone else Harry-obsessed, I got the 7th, and last, book of the Harry Potter series on Friday night, around 12:45 a.m. It was great. I stayed up all night reading with a friend, Marleta, and finished around 10 a.m.

I expected more crying at the end, but really I was just filled with joy and happiness for Harry. (I hope that doesn't give anything away for those who have not yet read it.)


Besides re-reading and reading Harry Potter books, I haven't been doing much with my time. Some would say wasting it, but I don't see organizing my music collection and watching TV shows as a waste. No, it's more like killing time. I don't know what I'm killing time for, but nonetheless it's being murdered minute by minute.

I would feel sad for time, as I'm killing it and all, but I can't find my conscience at the moment. I hope that doesn't affect me in the future...not having a conscience. I'm sure it will, though. Dang.

I've realized I've been rambling. I hope you've realized it as well. So...I'm going to leave you with something someone (Nick) showed me. I hope you identify with it as much as I do.

As always, it was great to have you stop by. Hope to see you soon.

Monday, July 9

I Finished!

I've been reading "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (a novel)" by Susana Clarke for the better part of the past two months. And today I finished!

It's a great feat when you finally finish a long and drawn-out novel, such as this one.

It only took 500 pages of back story before the beginning of a plot formed, which made the last 300 pages fly by. All in all, not a bad novel.
So, I bought my ticket for the midnight showing of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" this afternoon. I'm so excited to see this movie! I know I'm going to cry at the end. I'm not going to be able to help it when they show Sirius disappear. He's my favorite character and it breaks my heart that he has to be lost to Harry so soon after they find each other. :'(

Other than that, I know this movie will be great, mainly because of the intense fighting scene at the end. One of the cast called it 'ninja-wand fighting'. That'll be fun to watch.
I hope everyone has a great week and go see 'Harry Potter'! That's an order.


Friday, July 6

I Take It Back...

Michael Bay is not a bad director. I forgive him for Bad Boys II and Pearl Harbor.

He may have made the best action movie this summer.

I think Geeks of Doom summed up the prayer of every 20-something out there with their review title of "Michael Bay, please don't destroy my childhood." And he DIDN'T!

If you haven't seen it yet, Transformers is AMAZING! I saw it last night and the first thought I had, after getting over the awesomeness-shock, was "I want to see that again." And see it again I shall.

Monday, July 2

Where Have You Been?!?

I know, I's been forever since I've last posted something new and exciting. I'm sorry. I just haven't felt the urge to share anything new with you. It's all your fault.

But you can relax now, because I feel my old blogging-self coming around again.
An actual airline complaint, which I found hilarious. Some words are hard to read, but you'll get them eventually.

Did you hear about the Spice Girls getting back together? Did they not think they've tortured us enough? I guess not.
That's all for now. I said I felt my old self coming around. It's not here yet.

Oh, and you should all go out and buy Lifehouse's new CD "Who We Are" because it's amazingly good.
