Wednesday, January 31

I'm at work right now with nothing to do, waiting on a flyer I made to get approved. I'm currently doing the crossword puzzle. I like doing the crossword puzzles, but sadly I suck at them. Most of the clues refer to something that happened or someone that was famous before I was born. Plus, I haven't been alive long enough to accumulate enough trivial information. This makes me sad because I have never finished a puzzle without some sort of help.

I ended up not working out last night...or doing any homework, again. I'm in a slump and it's only the 4th (or 5th) week of class. Instead, I watched some TV and 2 movies: "American Idol", "House", "The I Inside", and "Open Season".

I enjoy watching American Idol during the auditions, mostly because some people are delusional about their ability to sing...and it's funny.

House was weird. I'm not sure I liked it. I usually watch it for the medical mystery part, but there was none of that last night. It was all about how House needs to contact on some personal level to his patients, blah, blah, blah. Listen, House writers, that's not what the show is about. It's about him being a jerk, but being really good at figuring out random medical cases that no one else can. So stick to that. Got it?

The I Inside was interesting. A little confusing in places, but the fact that I didn't figure out the ending beforehand was good. It reminded me a little of Stay, which I love mostly because Ryan Gosling is in it.

Open Season was like any other cutsie-Disneyish movie. There were a couple parts that made me laugh, but most likely I won't be watching it again unless by some chance it's the only thing on TV at the moment.

Well, my flyer needs to be twicked. Back to work.

Tuesday, January 30

I didn't do anything last night but play Guitar Hero 2. The good news is I'm slowly mastering the medium setting, in hopes of reaching the hard level by the weekend. The bad news is I didn't do any homework, making me have to do while at work this morning. I always feel bad when I do my homework at work. I just know my supervisor, Dorothy, knows I'm not working on an assignment.

At the moment I'm watching an old program on Comedy Central, Kevin James' Sweat the Small Stuff. He's a funny man...I especially like him in Hitch. I don't know why I bring this up. I guess because I have to keep switching over to him.

I'm actually going to workout in a hour or so with a friend. I haven't been to the SLC yet this semester. (The SLC is the Student Life Center, i.e. workout central, and free to all full-time students.) I hardly ever workout, but for some reason I'm feeling the need.

My homework tonight consists of a case write-up and my reaction to three different articles in some journal. Fun all around.

Monday, January 29

My Triumphant Return

My roommate's cat is driving me insane. She's psycho. I realize most people think their cat is crazy...ha! They haven't seen (or heard) my roommate's one. She doesn't meow. No, she chirps. I'm not making this up. She also attacks the wall and/or carpet at random times. There's nothing there, but that doesn't matter because she'll still attack it.
Oh, and thanks to her I have two scars on my hands from her scratching me in my own bed, while I was trying to sleep. Excuse me for moving in my sleep...

On to lighter news, I forgot to purchase toilet paper while at the H.E.B yesterday. We have no toilet paper in our apartment now. I'm much too lazy to get some at the moment. I'll probably wait until I really have to go, then drive down the street and get some. I realized I had forgotten the toilet paper (TP) when I got back from the store last night. Now, any sensible person would have gotten back in his/her car and driven to the nearest store. Not me. One trip is enough. That's going to have to wait until another day. I've got things to do...

Speaking of things to do, that test I took today was easy. I was expecting something a little harder. This is not complaining. I'm just expressing my gratitude. While I was typing those last two sentences I almost made a comma splice. But I refrained because I was taught in my writing class to never make a comma splice sentence. If I did, the world would stop, making the economy fail and it would be my fault. I have problems with placing those dang commas in their intended places. That's why there are so many problems in the world -- improper use of commas.

Well, Hello

My first blog.
Feels good...

I have a test in my 'Professional Selling and Communications in Sports' class in 2 hours. I do not feel prepared. This might have something to do with waiting until last night to start studying. (Will I ever learn?)
Classes are starting to get 'serious'. I have a case study to write up, four articles to review and write up, a quiz to study for, and several chapters to read this week. My life = fun.

Not having a boyfriend anymore really frees up my time. I did see him, let's call him J, yesterday. He randomly called me, wanting to go running. We decided against it since a) it was rather cold outside and b) I had to study. Instead he came to the Starbucks I was at to talk for a bit. When I say a bit, I mean 10 minutes...maybe. Oh, that boy.